Imitation is not to devise and produce by yourself, but to imitate what has already been done." This photo shooter is an imitation man who mimics a video that is currently selling in the back of the world. The selling video is a video of finding the woman you are looking for in the city, putting medicine in the drink and making it sleep × × × It's contents. He's the worst guy on social media who has a problem with money and is taking his drink to his home, putting medicine in his drink and making him sleep. I know that he wants to imitate the popular video, but his idea of imitating this video is also a difficult part to understand, so why did he want to imitate this video? Was it just a way to make money? However, even if you imitate the videos that are selling, there is no guarantee that they will be sold, and it is a risk to be caught if you find the contents of the videos. If you look at this guy's video, it doesn't feel like he is shooting just by making money. I think that it is like a man who is not usually confronted by a woman calls a girl easily using SNS, and finds a means to be able to x x x x without being resisted. I don’t know how much money this video makes, but it is a risky act. I think it would be shocking to see that this is happening in Japan, but it is a shocking event even for me living in Japan. Until now, I feel scared when I think that this is happening on a daily basis behind the scenes just because I don't know. I don't think there was anything about Japanese safety myths. I have one question. It is doubtful that even though so many girls are being targeted, there is no news or incident at all. Every time, only the act was taken in the video passed from this photographer, and the situation after that was not visible at all, so I could not investigate. It is quick to ask directly from the person, but I am afraid to hear it, because I think that it is not necessary to do so deeply. But what is the situation after the camera’s recording button stops? Is it miraculous or is it a deliberately planned act that has not become any problem until now? I think that this photographer can easily call the girls and act as a jealousy, so it is not a person but a mere thing for this person. That's why you can do this kind of thing without any feelings. I can’t sympathize with this photographer without doing something like this, and I think it is the worst act, but I am still carrying one of the crimes because I cooperate to sell this photographer’s video only for the money at hand. This time, six girls are also targeted. We are targeting students who are in trouble of money, dental hygienists and sluggish deli-herds who call home. I think that it is an act that prepared to become an incident by calling Deliher's nephew at home and ××x as it is. It is the worst act to aim at cute children by attaching to women's weakness. But for those of you who are in the same situation as this photographer, I think it is an exciting video. I'm worried about how long this job will last, which is also at risk of being caught.