A man named Quadblade, a warlord of justice who was abolished by a woman executive of the space pirate Dark Matter. Momohana Kagawa, who is a survivor of the pink blade, dedicated himself to redblade Hiroki Akai. But before those girls, the female executive death queen will be standing up again! It was a peach flower that showed his intention to fight, but the moment he tried to transform, Akai attacked her and destroyed the transformation bracelet. A new enemy, Captain Sir Gowkanmer, appears. Gowkanmer liked pink blades and ordered Death Queen to take them with him in captivity. Death Queen acted as he was told to be the faithful servant of Gowkanmer, unable to turn back. Death Queen, who saw Gowkanmer having a pink blade and enjoying it, took an action from the extreme jealousy. The battle between the two women is so spectacular! Love and hatred intersect together, what is the final ending? [BAD END]