In order to eliminate constipation, which is the cause of abdominal pain in the peach, a large amount of saliva is deposited and the inside of the intestine is washed. Assuming the patient's resistance, they sit on the gynecological internal examination table with a handcuffs and fix their limbs. Potatoes are deprived of their body's freedom and cannot be resisted even if they are stimulated by sensitive nipples. By preparing saliva in a liter of illigator and repeating injection and excretion, the remaining intestinal constipation is eliminated. In one case, transparent water was excreted, but after the second time it was excreted with pollutants mixed with intestinal constipation. Finally, the body of the peach is fixed to the wheelchair with a handcuff. Check the nasal cavity and oral cavity. Spread the nasal cavity with a nostril and look into the back of the hole in the nose. Then, they put their fingers in their mouths and inspect them while expanding or distorting them. When stimulating the throat with a long cotton swab, the peach mourns tears and coughs, but continues to stimulate with cotton swabs. look at everything.