The main character of this film is Shinnami Makichan! She is a beautiful slender woman who boasts a high height super model style with a small face that has been said to be 10 heads! His second year in the industry, Maiko has succeeded in grabbing the hearts of many fans with a tranquil atmosphere and rich eros. Her second nude image is taken in the south, and she smiles as she relaxes to see beautiful nature weave. Although it was taken in the rain with a timely and regional pattern, the photographing of the outside is also enriched, and I would like you to definitely see the beauty of the sea scene behind the sunset. Interviews that tell you how good people are are also important, and they will talk with a smile about the sight of beautiful rainbows. Let's enjoy a refreshing vacation on the southern island together with Rei Shinji Sanenao and Maiko-chan full of coolness.