The married woman who had been able to live a life without being related to manners and customs all the time, and the interview of manners and customs to experience for the first time... The interviewee is pressing the title sex in the training name for the married woman who has been forced to apply to the work of manners under various circumstances. In the actual work, it is not possible to do the performance act, but the man who is an interview person who inserts the Po Po by this hand to the silt who has applied to it and the married woman who is ashamed to accept it. Finally, they were made to the middle of the delivery, and married women... There is a nightmare that does not end the married woman who is forced to repay and provide the body. For the money, catch the wife of the debt hell who has to undertake any play, and let the money say to the thing, and do it. In addition, the stress accumulated in the husband in the daily life is already exploded, and the married wife of the explosion explodes, and the temptation sex is taken to grasp the evidence of the decisive flourishing by letting the husband of each other sleep. It is a work that the human race pattern of the modern human being that such a fearful and sleepy can be seen to sleep. Is your wife safe?