Secure 3 captures T. Rex, the son of a gangster group Chief DeSperer, in spite of the sacrifice of his members. But Sauros, the chief of the Dispair, has to take over T. Lex by calling his interrogator Torcher Crow! Secure 3, which is poisoned to double its pain and fear during combat, loses consciousness in an attack on the crotch and gets interrogated. Secure #3 withstands a lot of pain and doesn’t say where T. Lex is, but it can be deprived of information due to the lack of memory that generates when pain becomes limited by the ability of Tocher Crow! Even if you do not give in to any blame, even unbending Secure No.3, if you lose your memory, that effort will be wasted! And the revenge of T. Lex, who successfully escaped from prison... [BAD END]