As a girl, Shizuka Asaoka, a magical girl called Pureflora, was awarded a magic ring from the fairy of the heavens and fought with the demons of the world as a magical girl warrior Pureflora. After the battle of death, Pureflora defeated Matanga, but 13 years later, the remnants of Matanga, the demon king, appeared again in the human world. Matanga aims to be the weak point of pure flora, where magic can no longer be used when she becomes an adult and loses her virginity, and sends incubators that plant depressing desires in dreams. Is Pure Flora able to protect purity? [BAD END]
  • Serie:
  • Actress:水野朝陽
  • NO.:GHKP-83
  • Producer:GIGA
  • Label:GIGA
  • Duration:70分
  • Publish:March 23, 2018
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