"Come on. Come on. This is the first time in a store?" "It's the first time you've been healthy." "Conversely, are you more excited about this?" Laughter" "Hey, my brother. Wouldn't you like to do something better? You can secretly do it in the store. If you have rubber, you can leave it to the end. Is it okay to have one?" "Don't you know the manager?" "I don't know. I don't know." "Hey, I said you shouldn't do that. OK?" "It's okay if you don't get over it," "you have to put rubber on it." "You're living with your boyfriend, aren't you?" "Be sure to go outside" "Oh, come out!" "Eh! hey! i told you to go outside. it's okay to wash with cola. when? you can't do this with one. i'll give you two more in exchange for forgiveness!